It's my 1 Year TpT Anniversary!
August 29th marks my 1 year TpT anniversary, and I could not be anymore grateful. This year, TpT exceeded my expectations two-fold, and I never expected my store to be as successful as it is. 262 followers later, and over 950 sales, I would say that is a great year! I can't wait to see what year two has in store for me!
Thank you so much everyone! I have met some incredible people along this journey, have learned so much about Social Media, and I have had a lot of smiles and late nights.
From August 26th-29th, my bundles and writing tools will be on sale for 20% off!
Thank you so much everyone! I have met some incredible people along this journey, have learned so much about Social Media, and I have had a lot of smiles and late nights.
From August 26th-29th, my bundles and writing tools will be on sale for 20% off!
Here is the top 10 items I have learned over the past year:
10. Make vibrant and colorful product covers.
9. Do not get bummed with a negative feedback. It's bound to happen.
8. Create a
7. Join Facebook and Twitter-the more you are out there, the more people see you. @kim_englishohmy
6. Think outside the box. Be creative.
5. Buyers LOVE bundles.
4. Offer freebies more often than not.
3. Do something fun with your earnings-I am going to Puerto Rico with mine!
2. Sales will come. Patience is definitely key.
1. Do not let TpT get in the way of your family. They always come first!
Thanks so much again everyone! Teachers are amazing!